dengan boros bahasa Inggris
- dengan: by; by taking; given; given the; given this;
- boros: cudigal; extravagant; free and easy; unstinted;
- boros: cudigal; extravagant; free and easy; unstinted; overspending; prodigal; blow; high-flown; consume; waste; squander; wasteful; excessive; spendthrift; squanderer; ware; lavish; profligate
- boros kata: verbosity
- secara boros: extravagantly
- yg boros: prodigal
- berhati hati tapi boros: pennywise and poundfolish
- boros/ murah hati: munificent
- membuang anggaran boros -: cut loses; cutting loses
- dengan: by; by taking; given; given the; given this; with; on; take; aboard; past; to; aside; amongst; at; alongside; in the manner of; accompanying; use; away; and; instrument; together; by way of; do with
- dengan jelas/dengan nyata: conspicuously; distinctly; noticeably
- bahwa dengan: that given the
- balas dengan: respond with
- bandingkan dengan: compared with
- bekerjasama dengan: in collaboration with; play along with; played along with; playing along with; working with
- And give the relative his right, and [also] the poor and the traveler, and do not spend wastefully.
Dan berikanlah kepada kerabatmu, dan orang miskin serta orang musafir akan haknya masing-masing; dan janganlah engkau membelanjakan hartamu dengan boros yang melampau. - Henry was overjoyed and held huge celebrations, giving lavishly to the Church and to the poor to encourage God to protect his young son.
Henry sangat gembira dan mengadakan perayaan besar, memberi dengan boros kepada Gereja dan kepada orang miskin untuk mendorong Tuhan melindungi putranya. - An investigation instigated by Masuzoe and conducted by lawyers determined that he had used ¥4.4 million "inappropriately", but had not committed any crime.
Pemeriksaan yang dilakukan Masuzoe dan pengacaranya membuktikan bahwa ia telah menggunakan ¥4.4 juta dengan boros, namun tidak ditemukan bukti kriminal terkait dengan pengeluaran tersebut.